Monday, September 14, 2009

Journalist seeks help in writing about Jewish theater

Despite having had a few plays produced or workshopped in and submitting to competitions, I feel like a "novice" compared with my playwright colleagues in AJT.

But in one way I’ve been able to contribute to the organization and to Jewish theater in general--through my bread-and-butter trade. A few years back I did an article about AJT and Jewish theater for Naamat. I covered the Festival and conference this past year for and just submitted an article to Hadassah about Theater J’s season (an earlier one focued on developments at Theater of the South).

I’m trying to interest Hadassah in a larger article about Jewish theater--both in Jewish venues and not. I've been telling them about plays of Jewish interest in general theaters. If they won't assign it, I'd like to pitch someone else. So, this is just a request for help, suggestions, and support should such an article come about. And if anyone is aware of a publication that might be particularly receptive to such an article, please let me know. Some day, I might be truly in your numbers as playwright. Till then, hope to aid the cause journalistically.

Please contact

1 comment:

  1. I suggest Moment Magazine as well. they have a new person Diana Altman and I believe she has a strong Jewish culture background.
